You Receive What You’re Willing to Receive
Confirmation bias is the “the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values” — Wikipedia
In other words, it changes how we receive the world around us. For example:
- Resentful of your boss and then she compliments you? You’ll interpret it as “not good enough”
- Angry at your spouse and then he does the dishes? You’ll wonder what his ulterior motive is
- Fearful of a change in process at work? You’ll worry for your job.
When we are resentful of the past, angry at the present, or fearful of the future, we’ll interpret cues in our our environment to reinforce those emotions.
Is everything around you triggering and reinforcing your negative perspective on the world?
Don’t blame others — Don’t expect more from them —
The problem is in you