Have Conversations Instead of Presentations
How much time is spent at work in preparing presentations? Depending on the audience, a lot can go into this.
You have to:
- Research all the content
- Refine the message
- Polish with animations and colors
- Pre-review with stakeholders and include their feedback
One company claims that employees spend on average 20 hours/month creating PowerPoint slides…
That’s 12.5% of their time focused on merely crafting a message…
That’s 12.5% of their time spent tweaking fonts in a PowerPoint deck, instead of actually delivering value.
Sure — some presentations are “high stakes”. You’re selling work, you’re speaking at a big conference, etc.
But for internal meetings? This is overkill.
Don’t drown your team in “busy” work. Prepare enough content to start a conversation on the topic.
And then get back to real work.