Everything is Negotiable
Oct 28, 2020
Just because a stakeholder asks for something by Friday, doesn’t mean it needs to be done by then.
Just because a customer asks for a feature, doesn’t mean you have to build it that way.
Just because a boss asks for you to take an additional task, doesn’t mean you have to take it.
You have to dig deeper -
- Why the Friday deadline? Oh, because they want a week to review it after you’re done? How about the Monday or Tuesday after then?
- Why the feature request? Oh, because they’re experiencing a pain point in a certain area? Well, how about these x, y, or z other approaches?
- Why the additional task? Oh, is this the priority now? If so, I’m going to have to drop x, y, or z other in-progress tasks.
You’re not “pushing back”
You’re asking for clarity
And clarity ensures the right solution is built on the right timeline without overburdening anyone.